A yield sign IS a stop sign for people that are committed to thinking for and taking responsibility for themselves. If your first reaction is, "Are you nuts?" -- please take a breath and think about why you have such a reaction. A yield sign requires that you stop when necessary, when the existing conditions warrant. Under this plan, for example, you are not required to stop at a 4-way stop at 3am in the morning with not another car or person in sight simply because the government has erected a red metal symbol and put it on a pole that tells you to. At noon, when the intersection is busy, you'll need to do what you do now.
A Yield Sign says: "Be Aware. Act Accordingly." Unless your view is perfectly clear, a yield sign at 3am stills probably means slowing down to check your surroundings. If another car happens to be there, the yield sign automatically converts to a stop sign. If you screw up, you're responsible.
The Big Question: Are you ready to think for yourself?