I think this is one of those "for the record" moments in history. One that goes in your permanent file.
I want you to know that I did not vote for Donald Trump.
I am voting for Hillary Clinton, but with hesitation. Which ticks me off because I would really like to be more excited about voting for the first woman president of the United States. Lord knows, it's time for greater balance in this country.
And while she is more qualified than any candidate in history, she's "forked up" in ways that make it impossible to mark my ballot with enthusiasm. (See the scribble?)
And that ticks me off because I admire much about her: particularly her work as a student/young lawyer for childrens' rights, her passion, strength and courage (she took on the world as First Lady trying to get a fair hearing for universal healthcare) -- her relationship with her daughter.
But damn....
She voted for the war.
She thumbed her nose at the fundamental principle of government transparency. (That's what I do for living, for Chrissake.)
She gave a thumbs-up to the head of the DNC even after it was clear that person was in charge of a jaded nomination process in her race against Bernie Sanders. (Do you know the damage that does to young people -- i.e., our Future -- who invested themselves in the system?)
Son of a bitch. Son. Of. A. Bitch. Honestly, if she wasn't running against him -- him? -- he's like Richie Rich's nasty grandpa -- the one you never saw because he was so in love with money and power he didn't really give a fork about little Richie. (Life is some kind of cosmic video game. I'm not sure when you'll read this -- but it's true, right? How else to explain 2016?) But he's not a cartoon character. He's as real as anything is and many of his ideas/rants/threats -- but mostly the man himself -- pose significant risks to America and the world. He represents a way of being -- on some crazy steroids -- that it's high time to let go of, not embrace. But with at least 40 percent of voters predicted to vote for that way of being we will have hopefully had the shock we need to know that things must change. We don't just want Bill 2.0.
If she wasn't running against him, I might sit this one out. Silence is a vote.
But it is him. So I'm with Her.
But my vote is for only four years and it comes with a price. I'm not giving away my power. I have a choice. If you even want to be considered for another four -- even considered -- you need to make good on at least 3 of the 4 following demands (I want to give you a choice as well):
My #Only4 Demands:
1. Peace. Do not get us into another war unless we are acting in clear self-defense with no other viable option. I want to live in world where "Peace" is always the default. You don't have to keep up with the boys. Don't screw this one up. It's weighted more than the others.
2. Government Transparency. You've said very directly (which is why I'm able to forgive) that you "made a mistake" with your email. I'll be honest, '"mistake" seems like stretch, but you seemed sincere (and Lord knows if anyone had reason to be paranoid about her privacy, it was you. People have not always been kind.) Continue to show that you mean what you said. I'd love a short PSA for students that explains why an open government is essential to our way of life. We own the government, not the President or any other government official. And you don't hide records from the owners unless you have a very, very good reason for doing so. Don't screw up again. I know this is a pretty subjective thing -- and the government is made of imperfect humans -- but I'll know a passing grade when I see it. (And don't forget you're now responsible for many, many more government records than just those on your own server.)
3. Fix the DNC. We must have trust in the system. Damn it, Hillary. The grading criteria can come from more knowledgeable and connected sources than I. But the system had better be fair well before 2020.
4. Remember Who You Are. This is the most subjective one of all, and probably the hardest, which is why I'm giving you the option to choose 3 of 4. Because if you meet this demand, I have a feeling all of the others will follow naturally. Please remember young and idealistic Hillary. Remember that person in her early 20's? Remember her dreams? Remember how she wanted to contribute to making the world a better place? Remember her passion and her beautiful naitivite that she could change the world? Please remember HER. Because, working hand-in-hand with you, she is now in a position to do so.
Please give me a reason to cast an enthusiastic vote in 2020. I know you have it in you.